Content Analysis Software Free Mac

They come in many forms: premium or free online text analysis tools, on-premise document analysis software for MAC and Windows and etc. On this page, we collected 10 of the top software for content analysis to allow you gain valuable insights from a large amount of unstructured data. Here you can find a compilation of what that site calls the top 21 free qualitative data analysis software. Some I have heard of, som not. Some can handle both audio and video data. KH Coder is a free software for quantitative content analysis or text data mining. The input raw texts, can utilize searching and statistical analysis functionalities like KWIC, collocation statistics, co-occurrence networks, self-organizing map, multidimensional scaling, cluster analysis and correspondence analysis. A1 Website Analyzer v.7.7.0 Website structure and content analysis tool. Find broken links and redirects. View link juice flow through website. Get detailed stats for all pages such as HTML errors, page size, response headers, mime type, response time, download time etc. Concordance v.3.3 Concordance is a flexible text analysis program which lets you gain better insight into e-texts. Orbit Image Analysis is a free open source software for quantifying large-format images such as whole slide images of tissue. It can load images from local disk or connect to an Open Microscopy Environment image server ( Omero ) and can process images on a local computer or on a cluster using Spark job server.

  1. Free Text Analysis Tool
  2. Content Analysis Software Free Mac
  3. Content Analysis Software Download

Integrated research tools for easier searching, monitoring, analytics, discovery & text mining of heterogenous & large document sets & news with free software on your own server

Search engine
(Fulltext search)

Easy full text search in multiple data sources and many different file formats: Just enter a search query (which can include powerful search operators) and navigate through the results.

Thesaurus & Grammar
(Semantic search)

Based on a thesaurus the multilingual semantic search engine will find synonyms, hyponyms and aliases, too. Using heuristics for grammar rules like stemming it finds other word forms, too.


Interactive filters
(Faceted search)

Easy navigation through many results with interactive filters (faceted search) which aggregates an overview over and interactive filters for (meta) data like authors, organizations, persons, places, dates, products, tags or document types.

Exploration, browsing & preview
(Exploratory search)

Explore your data or search results with an overview of aggregated search results by different facets with named entities (i.e. file paths, tags, persons, locations, organisations or products), while browsing with comfortable navigation through search results or document sets.
View previews (i.e. PDF, extracted Text, Table rows or Images).
Analyze or review document sets by preview, extracted text or wordlists for textmining.

Collaborative annotation & tagging (Social search & collaborative filtering)

Tag your documents with keywords, categories, names or text notes that are not included in the original content to find them better later (document management & knowledge management) or in other research or search contexts or to be able to filter annotated or tagged documents by interactive filters (faceted search).

Or evaluate, value or assess or filter documents (i.e. for validation or collaborative filtering).

Datavisualization (Dataviz)

Visualizing data like document dates as trend charts or text analysis for example as word clouds, connections and networks in visual graph view or view results with geodata as interactive maps.


Monitoring: Alerts & Watchlists (Newsfeeds)

Stay informed via watchlists for news alerts from media monitoring or activity streams of new or changed documents on file shares: Subscribe searches and filters as RSS-Newsfeed and get notifications when there are changed or new documents, news or search results for your keywords, search context or filter.

Supports different file formats

No matter if structured data like databases, tables or spreadsheets or unstructured data like text documents, E-Mails or even scanned legacy documents: Search in many different formats and content types (text files, Word and other Microsoft Office documents or OpenOffice documents, Excel or LibreOffice Calc tables, PDF, E-Mail, CSV, doc, images, photos, pictures, JPG, TIFF, videos and many other file formats).

Supports multiple data sources

Find all your data at one place: Search in many different data sources like files and folders, file server, file shares, databases, websites, Content Management Systems, RSS-Feeds and many more.

The Connectors and Importers of the Extract Transform Load (ETL) framework for Data Integration connects and combines multiple data sources and as integrated document analysis and data enrichment framework it enhances the data with the analysis results of diverse analytics tools.

Automatic text recognition

Optical character recognition (OCR) or automatic text recognition for images and text content stored in graphical format like scanned legacy documents, screenshots or photographed documents in the form of image files or embedded in PDF files.

Open-Source enterprise search and information retrieval technology based on interoperable open standards

Mobile (Responsive Design)

Open Semantic Search can not only be used with every desktop (Linux, Windows or Mac) or web browser. With its responsive design and open standards like HTML5 it is possible to search with tablets, smartphones and other mobiles.

Metadata management (RDF)

Structure your research, investigation, navigation, document sets, collections, metadata forms or notes in a Semantic Wiki, Drupal or another content management system (CMS) or with an innovative annotation framework with taxonomies and custom fields for tagging documents, annotations, linking relationships, mapping and structured notes. So you integrate powerful and flexible metadata management or annotation tools using interoperable open standards like Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS).

Filesystem monitoring

Using file monitoring, new or changed files are indexed within seconds without frequent recrawls (which is not possible often if many files).
Colleagues are able to find new data immediately without (often forgotten) uploads to a data or document management system (DMS) or filling out a data registration form for each new or changed document or dataset in a data management system, data registry or digital asset management (DAM) system.

When you want to systematically analyze data and find information such as word frequencies, keyword, etc., then it will be really hard to do it manually. A content analysis software, free download can be used in that case to analyze the media such as print, internet data and other such clusters of data to determine trends and patterns. There are many text analysis software open source available on the internet but the most commonly used one is free content analysis software for mac.


Facebook Content Analysis

This software can be used to analyze two weeks’ worth of brand posts on Facebook in order to identify details like which content is performing well and what is driving the engagement. The optimization recommendations can be used to increase the number of likes, shares, and comments of the post.

Textual Analysis Software

This software can be used to perform quantitative analysis that encompasses factors such as frequency count, collocation measurement, concordances and a wide variety of clustering techniques for strings and codes that are derived from media like text, audio and visual data. It helps in the interpretative coding of a given data and later analyzing it.

Free Text Analysis Tool

Software for Content Analysis


This software will help the users perform analysis on data to get information such as word frequencies, category frequencies, keyword content, cluster analysis and co-word citation. It will go through the entire data to find the similarities and other such connections by coding it.

Provalis Content Anlaysis

This software can be used by those who need to find themes and relationships in data such as open-ended responses, focus group scripts and interviews. Business intelligence can be done along with competitive website analysis. The necessary information can be extracted from the data and automatic tagging and classification of documents are possible. It uses powerful visualization tools to display the reports.

Content Analysis for Mac

This Mac software can be used for annotating important documents by highlighting and adding notes. It manages the notes added and keeps the document clean. Custom keywords can be assigned and all the highlighted data can be filtered later to check the relations. Summaries and reports can be generated at the end. This software is compatible with Mac OS X 10.8.3 or later.

Analysis Software for Windows

This windows software will help the users to discover hidden content in your data. It will be able to perform state-of-the-art multimedia processing which will include frame level previews of audio and video material. The images are fully coded and segments can be moved and resized. It can be used to work on multiple documents at the same time and then link them across.

Content Analysis Software Free Mac

Odintext Analysis Software – Most Popular Software


Content Analysis Software Download

This popular software can be used to analyze data like call center transcripts, social media content, discussion boards, and other such textual data. It will create segments on the data and analyze how each one is differing. The outcomes can be analyzed along which what drives the target data.

What is Content Analysis Software?

Each company will have so much textual data that has to be analyzed to understand patterns and relationships as it will help drive competitive advantage. A text analysis software open source will help the companies to go through vast quantities of complex and unstructured data and quickly get insights that may be valuable for the functioning of the company. You can also see Site Analysis Tools

These content analysis software, free download will help in finding patterns and analyze how the outcome will be. The frequency in which words occur, occurrence of pair words, categorization and keyword analysis are important to actually know what is there in the data. You can also see Team Management Software

Content Analysis Software Free Mac

It is available for all platforms like Windows, Mac, Android, etc., and it can be used to analyze data such as text, video, audio and other formats. The free content analysis software for mac is the most commonly used software for Mac.

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